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G.D.O. Lighting

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When the MGM props department made the hero G.D.O. prop they used an electrolumenescent panel to light the screen and keypad. In keeping with the original, our replica will include the same lighting. Finding the best panel to use for this prop came down to two factors: 1 getting the correct color; and, 2 finding a sheet size which could be cut down to the size needed with minimal waste (EL sheet is expensive).

Once we found the right sheet it was just a matter of creating slices from the master sheet with a sharp knife. As long as two power terminals are visible for each slice, leads can be soldered on. When soldering onto EL panel it's important not to touch your iron directly to the panel as it can melt the thin plastic and destroy the panel. Dripping the solder onto the lead is necessary. To strengthen the connection a few drips of super glue is applied after the solder join has cooled.

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